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Secondary Industry
Hi-Tech Industry

What is a footloose industry?
What is the Hi-Tech Industry?

Science Parks
Case Study - Cambridge Science Park

What is a footloose industry?

Footloose industries are those that do not have to locate close to raw materials (unlike the early iron and steel industry that had to locate close to iron ore and coal etc). Footloose industries locate in pleasant environments near transport routes and near the markets. An example of a footloose industry would be a hi-tech industry such as computing. Footloose industries have to locate close to research centres like unuversities. Development in the hi-tech industry happen so fast that companies need to stay up to date to survive e.g. Science Parks around Cambridge. Footloose industries are usually non-polluting and can locate close to residential areas.

What is the Hi-Tech Industry?

A High technology (Hi-tech) industry is one that produces sophisticated products. There is a significant emphasis on research and development. Often the 'raw materials'
are electrical components. Examples of Hi-tech industries include:

  • Computers
  • Telecommunications
  • Aerospace and military equipment

Science Parks

Science Parks are located on the edge of cities in greenfield locations. Many of the firms located in science parks are conected with information, high-technology, and electronic industries. science parks have direct links with universities for research. They have attractive layouts with grassy areas, ornamental gardens, ponds etc. An example is The Cambridge Science Park.

The Cambridge Science Park

The Cambridge Science Park is on the edge of Cambridge, alongside the M11 and the A10. It is located here because it is very accessible, lland values are lower on the edge of an urban area and there is plenty of open space for expansion. A number of companies have links with research departments at Cambridge University. You can find out more about the Cambridge Science Park here.

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Cambridge Science Park
Homepage of the Cambridge Science Park web site. It includes a virtual tour





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