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Situated approximately 3km south of Hornsea lies the village of Mappleton. Supporting approximately 50 properties, the village has been subject to intense erosion at a rate of 2.0m per year, resulting in the access road being only 50m from the cliff edge at its closest point.


Mappleton lies upon unconsolidated till. This material was deposited by glaciers during the last ice age 18,000 years ago.

Coastal Features

The two rock groynes at Mappleton have helped develop wide and steep sandy beaches.

Coastal Management

In 1991 two rock groynes and a rock revetment were built, as a consequence a substantial beach accumulated between the groynes halting erosion. However, further south the rate of erosion has increased significantly. This is because material which is being carried south is not being replaced (it is trapped within the groynes). Therefore there is no beach to protect the cliffs. Even during a neap tide ( a tide which is 30% less than the average tidal range) the sea reaches the base of the soft cliffs and erosion occurs.

Mappleton Photo Gallery

Click the images below to see a larger version of each. PC users - To copy a picture place your cursor over the picture you want. Then right click and select copy. Then paste into your DTP or word processor package.

[Path to the beach]

Path leading to the beach at Mappleton.

[View of the stone groyne]

Path to the beach. Note the stone groyne on the beach.

[Stone Groyne]

A view along the stone groyne.

[Stone Groyne]

A view along the stone groyne.

[side view of the groyne]
A side view of the stone groyne
[Cliff management north of the groyne]
[boulders protecting the base of the cliff]

Cliffs to the left (north) of the stone groyne. Notice
how the cliffs are being managed
to reduce erosion.

[The view south of the groyne]

Cliffs to the right (south) of the stone groyne. Notice how the cliff is being eroded due to a lack of protection.

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