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[downloadable resources]


If you have resources you would like to share please EMail them here.

The following resources are aimed at Key Stage 4 students, particularly Year 10. It is based on AQA (NEAB) Geography Syllabus A. However, the resources will be useful to those not following this course.

Ecosystems - SOW
(79 KB) MS Word Format
Ecosystems Scheme of Work - 2000.
What are ecosystems?
(74 KB) MS Word Format
Work sheet to go with above SOW
What is the tropical rainforest ecosystem like?
(360 KB) MS Word Format
Work sheet to go with above SOW
What is shifting cultivation?
(98 KB) MS Word Format
Work sheet to go with above SOW
What is the impact of humans in the tropical rainforest?
(203 KB) MS Word Format
Work sheet to go with above SOW




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