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[Geo's top 10 geography web sites]
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Mind Maps

A mind map is a stylised spider diagram that contains information in the form of pictures and text. Mind maps can be used to plot information relevant to the different topics in geography. When you create a mind map you should use lots of colour and include diagrams and sketches. This make the information more interesting to your brain. It should also make revision more 'enjoyable'. Below is a tutorial explaining how to create mind maps.

Stage 1

In the centre of a piece of A4 paper identify the topic you are producing your mind map about. The example below is a case study of the eruption of Mount Pinatubo, a volcano in the Philippines.






Stage 2

You now need to draw the main topic branches. These need to contain the main categories of information that will be included in your spider diagram. In the mind map below we are going to use the What? When ? Why? Where? So What? technique.

Stage 3

Finally you you need to include the sub categories or detail to your mind map. The diagram below shows a completed mind map for the eruption of Mount Pinatubo.

[ Revision
1 2 3 booklet
(MS Word 97 - Size - 192kb)
An extensive revision booklet based mainly on the NEAB GCSE Geography Syllabus A - However, it contains many elements found in other courses. The booklet contains all of the information contained in the revision topic section found in the left margin

Check your knowledge of key topics with these downloadable gap-fill exercise

Tectonics Gap Fill
(MS Word 97 - Size - 22kb)
Glaciation Gap Fill
(MS Word 97 - Size - 21kb)
Tropical Rainforest Gap Fill
(MS Word 97 - Size - 74kb)
Tropical Storm Gap Fill
(MS Word 97 - Size - 77kb)

GeoNet is not responsible for the content of any of these sites

Freeserve Revision
An excellent set of resources to help with revision. Lots of gap fill exercises and exam questions that can be completed off-line then marked online

A superb revision site containing lots of revision notes. Many of the pages contain flash animation's. There are also lots of practice exam questions.

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