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Unit 2 The Restless Earth : Homework Project Tips
Section 1 Volcanoes

1. You can find out about hundreds of volcanoes at Volcano World.

2. When you sketch the volcano include colour. Also, label each of the main features e.g. the main vent, the crater and steep sides etc. You could also include other information on your volcano. Fact files are often interesting as are examples of actual volcanic eruptions. You will find a diagram showing the main features of a volcano here. You will also find out lots of easy to understand information on volcanoes here.

Section 2 Earthquakes

1. You can find out about recent and historical earthquakes at the US Geological Survey Site.

2. This web site contains information on the reasons why earthquakes happen

3. Try Asking Jeeves this question!

Section 3 Tropical storms

1. You can find out about tropical storms here.

2. You can find out about tropical storms here.

3. You can find links to case studies here.

Section 4 Tsunamis

1. You can find out about tsunamis here.

2. You can find out why tsunamis happen here.

3. You can find a picture of a tsunami happen here.

Section 5 Tornadoes

1. You can find out about tornadoes here.

2. Try Asking Jeeves about tornadoes.!



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